Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Vaishnav Jan To: A Translation

वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये जे पीड परायी जाणे रे।
पर दुःखे उपकार करे तो ये मन अभिमान न आणे रे॥
Vaishnava (devotees of Lord Vishnu) people are those who feel the pain of others
Help those who are in misery; But never let this pride overpower them

सकळ लोकमां सहुने वंदे, निंदा न करे केनी रे।
वाच काछ मन निश्चळ राखे, धन धन जननी तेनी रे॥
They are tolerant the entire world, never criticize any
Keep their words, actions and thoughts pure, blessed is the mother to have borne such a child

समदृष्टि ने तृष्णा त्यागी, परस्त्री जेने मात रे।
जिह्वा थकी असत्य न बोले, परधन नव झाले हाथ रे॥
See all equally, renounce greed, respect women as they respect their own mother,
Tongue never utters false words, hands never covet other's wealth

मोह माया व्यापे नहि जेने, दृढ़ वैराग्य जेना मनमां रे।
रामनाम शुं ताळी रे लागी, सकळ तीरथ तेना तनमां रे॥
Do not succumb to worldly attachments, detached from material pleasures,
Enticed only by the name of God (Sri Ram), they are embodiments of holy pilgrimage

वणलोभी ने कपटरहित छे, काम क्रोध निवार्या रे।
भणे नरसैयॊ तेनुं दरसन करतां, कुळ एकोतेर तार्या रे॥
Absence of greed and deceit, helped them renounce lust and anger,
Narsi (the poet) would be grateful to meet such a soul, by virtue of whose company his entire progeny would be liberated

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