Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mahabharat: Dharma-Baka Upakhyan between Yama and Yudhisthira

Towards the end of Pandavas 12 years of 'VanaVas' (exile in forests), a Brahmin approached them for help. A deer has taken on its antlers his Arani (pair of wooden sticks that generate fire on friction). The Pandavas set out to retrieve the Brahmin's Arani. In this quest, Yudhisthira, became exhausted and thirsty. His brother Nakula, upon request, ventured out to fetch water and found a beautiful lake. The lake was devoid of any living creature except a crane. When he attempted to take water from the lake, the crane spoke, ‘O Nakula! The water of this lake will turn into poison if you take it without satisfactorily answering my questions’. Nakula, in arrogance, did not pay heed and hurriedly took water from the lake. Upon drinking the crystal clear water, Nakula instantly died of poisoning. Weary of Nakula's absence, Sahadeva came looking and found the same lake, saw Nakula dead, and was similarly warned by the crane. But Sahadeva ignored the crane as well, drank the water and died. In the same manner, Arjun and mighty Bhim came looking, ignored the warning, drank water and died of poisoning.
Since none of the brothers returned with water, Yudhisthira came looking after them. Yudhisthira found lake and his brothers lying dead. Before searching for the reason of their death, he decided to drink some water from the lake. But when the crane warned him, Yudhisthira realized that the crane held the answer to the turn of events. The virtuous Yudhisthira proceeded to answer the questions put forth by the crane who was none other than a Yaksha. The Yaksha asked questions with philosophical innuendos. This dialogue between the Yaksha and Yudhisthira is embodied in the Madhya Parva of the Mahabharata, and is also known as the ‘Dharma-Baka Upakhyan’

Baka Prashna (Question 1 of the Crane): Who makes the sun to rise and ascend in the skies? Who moves around the Sun? Who makes the sun set in the horizons? What is the true nature of the Sun and where is the sun established?
Yudhisthira answered: Brahma makes the sun rise and ascend. The Gods perambulate about the Sun. Then Dharma sets the Sun. The Sun is the manifestation of truth only.

Question 2: What instills 'divinity' in Brahmins? What is the quality of virtuosity in a Brahmin? What is the human-like quality of a Brahmin? What is the conduct akin to a non-virtuous Brahmin?
Yudhisthira replied: The self-study (dhyana) of the Vedas is divinity in a Brahmin. Penance is the quality of a virtuous Brahmin. Death is human-like quality in a Brahmin. Criticizing others is a tell of a non-virtuous Brahmin

Question No. 3: What instills 'divinity' in Kshatriyas? What is the quality of virtuosity in a Kshatriya? What is the human-like quality of a Kshatriya? What is the conduct akin to a non-virtuous Kshatriya?
Yudhisthira replied: The art of archery is the divinity in a Kshatriya. Obeisance to God is Kshatriya's virtue. Fear is his humanly quality. Abandoning people who seek refuge in him is conduct akin to a non-virtuous Kshatriya.

Question No. 4: What is that thing which is like a Mantra in the performance of oblations (Yajnya)? Who is the performer of rites and ceremonies during Yajnya? Who accepts the offerings? What is that which even a Yajnya cannot transgress?
Yudhisthira replied: 'Breath' is like a Mantra in the performance of rites. 'Mind' is the performer of all rites in the course of Yajnya. Only Shlokas of the Vedas accept oblation. The Yajnya cannot surpass these Shlokas.

Question No. 5: What is heavier than earth, higher than heavens, faster than the wind and more numerous than straws?
Yudhisthira: One's mother is heavier than the earth; one's father is higher than the heavens. The mind is faster than wind and our worries are more numerous than straws.

Question No. 6: Who is the friend of a traveler? Who is the friend of one who is ill and who is a dying man's friend?
Yudhisthira: The friend of a traveler is his companion. The physician is the friend of one who is sick and a dying man's friend is charity.

Question No. 7: What is that which, when renounced, makes one lovable? What is that which is renounced makes happy and wealthy?
Yudhisthira: Pride, if renounced makes one lovable; by renouncing desire one becomes wealthy; and to renounce avarice is to obtain happiness.

Question No. 8: What enemy is invincible? What constitutes an incurable disease? What sort of man is noble and what sort is ignoble?
Yudhisthira: Anger is the invincible enemy. Covetousness constitutes a disease that is incurable. He is noble who desires the well-being of all creatures, and he is ignoble who is without mercy.

Question No. 9: Who is truly happy? What is the greatest wonder? What is the path? And what is the news?
Yudhisthira: He who has no debts is truly happy. Day after day countless people die. Yet the living wish to live forever. This is the greatest wonder.
This world full of ignorance is like a pan. The sun is fire, the days and nights are fuel. The months and the seasons constitute the wooden ladle. Time is the cook that is cooking all creatures in that pan; this is the news

Yudhisthira could answer all the questions, at the end the Yaksha revealed himself to be Yama (God of death), Yudhisthira's God-father. He also admitted to Yudhisthira that it was he who had stolen the Arani in form of the deer. He blessed the Pandavas with life and gave them the boon that nobody would recognize them during the ‘AgyataVas’ (exile incognito)

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