Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hindu Mythology: Trinity and Time

Different schools of thought in the Hindu mythology have different stories to tell, only to place their 'ista' (God) slightly higher than the other when it comes to the inception of the 'Trideva' Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh. As per the Shaiva school, Shiva was the 'adi-yogi' a limitless 'linga' of eternal energy before anything was ever created. Shiva, by means of his meditation manifested into Vishnu in 'Ananta-Shayan' (means a perfect state of in-action) over Khirsagar (scriptures consider the galaxies to be an endless ocean). Vishnu in turn, from his naval gave rise to a thousand petal lotus which is the seed for Brahma.

However, the Puranas at multiple instances state that this entire universe is under the control of ONE divine 'Supreme Spirit'. This supreme spirit has primarily three manifestations at different times. He is Brahma the Creator, he is also Vishnu the Preserver, and Mahesh the Destroyer. 
This stanza expresses the idea very well:
Shivaya Vishnu roopaya | 
shivarupaya Vishnuve ||
shivashca hirdhayagam Vishnu, |
Vishnuscha hridayagam shive ||
Meaning, Shiva is in the form of Vishnu, just as Vishnu is in the form of Shiva. Shiva is in the heart of Vishnu just as Vishnu in the heart of Shiva. 

Let us now know more about the scale of time and the Yugas.
As per Hindu scriptures 1 God Year = 360 Human Years 
Note: Per Hindu mythology, 1 Year = 360 Days. 
This is very close to the 365 days in a year as per modern science. Also, modern science believes that the earth is slowing down and the year would progressively have more days. If we believe that the Rishis (learned beings) did their calculations millions of years back, 360 days a year is justified in the mythology.

According to the Laws of Manu, the Yugas have been described as below:
Satya Yuga
Duration: 4800 God years = 1728000 years
Has four avatars of Vishnu
In creation, virtue reigns supreme
Average human lifespan was 100,000 years

Treta Yuga 
Duration: 3600 God years = 1296000 years
Has three avatars of Vishnu
In creation, 3 quarter is virtue & 1 quarter is sin
Average human lifespan was 10,000 years

Dwapar Yoga
Duration: 2400 God years = 864000 years
Has two avatars of Vishnu
In creation, 2 quarter is virtue & 2 quarter is sin
Average human lifespan was 1,000 years

Kali Yuga (modern times)
Duration: 1200 God years = 432000 years
Has one avatars of Vishnu 
In creation, 1 quarter is virtue &3 quarter is sin
Average human lifespan is 100 years

Hope this information sets the context in our ongoing discussions on Hindu Mythology

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