Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sita at Ashok-Vatika

Cruel king of the Asuras, Ravan, had forcefully abducted holy mother Sita the consort of Sri Ram and kept her in house arrest in Ashok Vatika of Lanka. Ravan was very displeased to find Sita's utterances always praising the glory of Ram! 

Ravan threatened to put Sita's life to an end, if she did not portray Ravan at a higher stature than Ram in her praises within the next day! After seeking forgiveness from the almighty for her act, Sita, next day, uttered the following stanza: 'O mighty king Ravan, your glory is like the bright full moon while Sri Ram's glory is like the waxing crescent'

Ravan got intoxicated in joy hearing these words of his praise coming from Sita. However we must realize that Sita had actually praised Sri Ram. Full moon's brightness gradually reduces and finally gets obliterated. Waxing crescent progressively gets brighter into full glory! Ravan, though a very strong and knowledgeable devotee of Lord Shiva, was so full of himself that his evil-glory would soon be ebbed by the rising virtuous-glory of Sri Ram!


1. Words properly put save lives
2. Seeming superficial praises may conceal a deeper criticism in its womb
3. Pride and ego always causes one's virtues to get overshadowed

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