Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bramha: Why No Temples?

Shiva the ‘adi-yogi’ was in his formless pillar of fire/light state when Vishnu and Bramha (manifestations of the same supreme power) came to being. Vishnu and Bramha embarked on a quest to measure out this pillar of fire. It was decided that Brahma would go up to find the head of this pillar of Light (Shiva) and Vishnu would go down under the earth, to find the foot of Shiva. Their quest went on for thousands of years and yet they could find the head or foot to the pillar of light

Vishnu decided to end his search. At the same time, Brahma saw a Ketaki flower falling from the sky. He stopped the flower and asked it where it was coming from. The flower replied that it had been placed at the top of the pillar of fire as an offering and had fallen from there. Brahma decided to end his search and instead use the Ketaki flower as evidence of the pillar-head. 

Both Brahma and Vishnu met and Vishnu truthfully declared that he had been unable to find the feet of the fiery pillar. Brahma on the other hand lied by saying that he had in fact reached the head of the pillar of fire and brought the Ketaki flower from the top. This false claim angered Shiva and He manifested to his physical form and then cursed Brahma that he would have no temple dedicated to his worship as he was undeserving. He also cursed the Ketaki flower that henceforth it shall not be used in the worship of Shiva.

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