Thursday, May 7, 2015

Little known facts about Sri Hanuman

1. After the Ram's coronation as King, re-united with Ram, Sita resumed the application of vermilion to her forehead. Curious Hanumam asked her the reason for this. Sita explained that as per tradition, wife would apply vermilion for longer and a healthier life of her husband/master. Since then Hanuman covered his entire body with kumkum! Bajrang means orange and hence came the name: Bajrangbali where (Bali means person of great strength).
Another school of thought believes that as Hanuman is a true 'Bramhachari' (vowed to remain celibate) hence the color Bajrang (or Safron) to signify his vow and Bali as in strong. As he is symbolic of celibacy, women may only offer their obeisance at the temple but not touch the image/idol of Sri Hanuman

2. Makardhwaja is son of Hanuman, how so for a vowed celibate person? When Hanuman took a dip in the waters of sea, after burning Lanka, a drop of his perspiration fell in to mouth of a mighty fish (Suvannamaccha references in Thai culture. Another version believe it be be a 'Makara' or crocodile that swallowed Hanuman's sweat). Out of this Makardhwaja was born

3. When bal-Hanuman (as a kid) felt hungry one day, he looked up at the mango tree and saw the red sun through the leaves of tree, Mistaking the sun to be a fruit, he jumped towards it. The sun's heat burnt his face, so Hanuman's face is tanned to a much darker pigmentation.

4. While bal-Hanuman continued to fly towards the sun. Indra, the Lord of Heaven, feared that the sun might get eaten endangering the world. So Indra struck Hanuman with his weapon 'Vajra'. Hanuman was knocked unconscious and fell back on earth landing on his cheeks/jaw making them swollen for good. This is why he came to be called Hanuman ('Hanu' in Sanskrit means the cheek/jaw)

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