Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thumbs-up Tobermory

I believe in one simple concept: long week-ends are for traveling. The Victoria Day week-end gave me the opportunity to visit Tobermory - a picturesque getaway by the shores of Lake Huron. It was a five hour journey from Toronto, Greyhound to Owen Sound and from there a taxi (boy I wish I had my Canadian license). Along with me was my roomy and partner in all crazy travels, Abhishek. We reached there on Saturday and used up the day in soaking up the town. It’s a very calm and laid back place in contrast to the hustle bustle of busy Toronto city life – a difference we truly loved! We put up at Beth’s Bed and Breakfast InnIsFree - a very neat and cozy place with amazing wooden interiors and fabulous breakfast.
Sunday morning we started from the National Park Visitor Center on the Bruce Trail - a walk that shall remain close to my heart till I carry my bones to the grave. Along the trail was a breathtaking pebble beach with rocky shores that merge into the sea, amazing patterns carved out by the waves. A Siberian Husky, owned by one of the park rangers, playfully joined us on the shore. Among other crazy things, we did not miss out on scaling the 500 plus stairs of the watch tower for its scenic vista.

After the trail was conquered it was time for us to visit the Grotto on Cyprus Lake. The only challenge we faced was lack of wheels – it was 18kms from the visitor center and we did not have the time for a walk. “Alexander Supertramp’s” spirit overpowered me and I stuck out my thumb for a lift on highway 6. I remain ever indebted to that angel of a couple who obliged and gave us a lift to the Cyprus lake trail, where they themselves were headed to.

From there began our walk towards the Grotto - a cave carved out by the waves with a deep water filled tunnel that opens into the lake. It’s beautiful, it’s one of nature’s miracles and the water is icy cold! The climb down the rocks to the Grotto is no less of a challenge even for a linebacker! We stood there dazed, appreciating nature’s handiwork and the florescent blue waters. Time passed by and soon we realized that we were behind schedule – so many things to do, so less time.
Without wasting a minute we rock-climbed back to the trail and headed for Marr Lake - a beautiful pebble lake with rocky undulations and blue-green chilly waters. After a short ‘pit-stop’ there we hiked on towards the Horse Lake. Like the Marr, Horse Lake was rocky undulations under water and hot-bodied eye candies lunching on the shores. Here I rested and filled up my lungs with the fresh breeze that smelled of sweet water. With all the hot spots covered, we walked back towards the ‘head of trails’ to recon with the couple for a ride back to the town.

By the time we reached Tobermory, it was dusk – the ideal time to head for the port shore-line and capture the setting sun on Lake Huron. The day was very physically demanding and I am glad to have lived up to it. Dinner was at Crow’s Nest, a bar with great fish n chips and a live band playing to top all.
Day three began with a cruise of the two ship-wrecks and Flowerpot Island, on the ‘Blue Heron’. Flora and Fauna well preserved and maintained by the Fathom Five Marine Park at Flowerpot Island offered us an unscheduled rendezvous with a venomous snake! There were beautiful wild flowers and orchids on the island, gravel beach, water in different shades of blue and green. But the best of all were the two naturally formed flowerpots (small and large flowerpots). The ride on the ‘Blue Heron’ cruise brought out the sea-faring adventurer in me. It was past noon, when the cruise brought us back to main land and it was time for a quick take-away grub and a taxi ride back to Owen Sound to mark the end of an amazing week-end!

Word to all my friends, take out time for a trip to Tobermory – it’s a must do thing while you are in and around Toronto.

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