Sunday, May 16, 2010


In today’s world, it surprises me to find how money plays the role of the corner-stone in almost anything and everything. Most of us are driven my money - we change jobs to make that extra bit, some work two jobs to have more of it. Society benchmarks an individual’s success on the yardstick of the money that he/she has makes and saves. There are financial jargons aplenty to set the value of a company, even evaluate the economic dynamics of a nation!

Parents/students even consider education as an investment and their decisions in choosing a stream of study or specialization is heavily influenced by what is commonly known as ‘Return on Investment’. Effective advice/coaching are few and far away, but ones that sell false promises and gimmicks to sure success, are in every corner! Doctors have long forgotten the 'Hypocrites Oath' and are simply gold-diggers in modern world. Even in today’s sophisticated, moderated and so-called ‘peace-loving’ world, wars are waged to plunder riches and oil – still so barbaric! The 'hot babes' are no longer emotional fools to love the one who loves her most – they are busy landing rich and successful men! It does not matter how many they have had used and misused for their financial gains.

Let me give you a short example from my own life. I started my career with a decently paying job and settled in one of the costliest cities in India. I did well enough for myself, held my head high and yet did not deprive myself or my loved ones of the basic comforts and joys of life. Six years down the line when my salary has increased four fold, I have introspected to find that my happiness has not. I am that very happy a soul today as I was six years back. I am content with His blessings and have no major regrets in life! This only brought me to conclude – money and happiness are not related. Happiness comes from contentment not from ones Net Asset Value.

I could go on and on talking about the ills of money in the world that we live in. I do not wish to sound preachy either. But to cut the long story short and to conclude on a positive note, I humbly urge each and every one of us to introspect, to be responsible for once. Money is not the solution to all problems, it’s not the ticket to paradise! Let us not balloon up the role of money and add to its spoils. At the end of the day when our time is up, we will have to leave all this money behind, so why waste running after it all life?

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