Thursday, June 18, 2015

Vishnu: His Weapons and Forms

Shaantaa-kaaram bhujhga-shaynam padma-naabham suresham
Vishva-aadhaaram gagan-sadrisham meghvaran shubh-aangam
Laxmi-kaantam kamal-nayanam yogibhir-dhyan-gamyam
Vande vishnu bhav-bhay-haram sarva-lokeik-naathanam

He, who possesses a tranquil form, lies on the bed of snake, from whose naval has sprung the Lotus (of Brahma)
He, who is the Lord of all Gods, the support of the universe, complexion like dark clouds and possesses handsome features
He, who is the Lord of Laxmi, goddess of wealth has lotus-like eyes and revealed to yogis through meditation
Obeisance to that Vishnu who is the dispeller of the fear and Lord of all the worlds

The characteristic weapons of Vishnu in his four hands
1. Panchajanya Shankha (Conch-shell) that symbolizes purity of speech and 'Praan-Vayu' yoga of the Vishuddha Chakra
2. Sudarshan (Discus) symbolizes self-knowledge leading to emancipation of soul from Maya on activation of Ajna Chakra 
3. Kaumodaki Gada (Mace) symbolizes victory over the five vices lust, anger, greed, attachment and arrogance
4. Padma (Lotus) represents purity of actions and spirit of detachment that comes from activated Anahata Chakra

Four objects held by Four hands of Vishnu, leads to 24 forms (factorial 4 = 4X3X2X1 = 24). These 24 forms are 
1. Kesava, destroyer of demon Kesi (Padma left-upper hand, Shankha right-upper, Chakra right-lower and Gada left-lower)
2. Narayana, the universal shelter (Shankha, Chakra, Gada and Padma)
3. Madhava, Lord of knowledge (Gada, Chakra, Shankha and Padma)
4. Govinda, protector of cows and mother-Earth (Chakra, Gada, Padma and Shankha)
5. Madhusudana, the destroyer of the demon Madhu (Chakra, Gada, Shankha and Padma)
6. Trivikrama, the one who conquered the three planetary systems (Padma, Gada, Chakra and Shankha)
7. Padmanabhan, whose navel produced the universal Padma (Shankha, Padma, Chakra and Gada)
8. Shridhara, the possessor of fortune (Padma, Chakra, Shankha and Gada)
9. Hrishikesha, Lord of the senses (Shankha, Padma, Gada and Chakra)
10. Vamana, the dwarf incarnation (Shankha, Gada, Chakra and Padma)
11. Damodara, who is self-restrained (Padma, Chakra, Gada and Shankha)
12. Vishnu, the all-pervader (Gada, Padma, Shankha and Chakra)
13. Vasudeva, one who dwells within (Gada, Chakra, Padma and Shankha)
14. Pradyumna, who has the most wealth (Chakra, Shankha, Gada and Padma)
15. Aniruddha, who no one can oppose (Chakra, Shankha, Padma and Gada)
16. Purushottama, best of all men (Chakra, Padma, Shankha and Gada)
17. Adhoksaja, the expanse of the universe (Gada, Shankha, Padma and Chakra)
18. Narsimha, the half-man and half-lion form (Chakra, Padma, Gada and Shankha)
19. Achyuta, the inconceivable (Gada, Padma, Chakra and Shankha)
20. Krishna, the dark and all-attractive one (Shankha, Gada, Padma and Chakra)
21. Hari, He who removes obstacles or sorrow (Shankha, Chakra, Padma and Gada)
22. Janardana, He who gives rewards (Padma, Gada, Shankha and Chakra)
23. Upendra, the brother of Indra (Shankha, Padma, Gada and Chakra)
24. Sankarsana, who plows the mind-fields with 'bhakti' (Padma, Shankha, Gada and Chakra)

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