Monday, June 15, 2015

Kosha, Chakra and Sat-Chit-Ananda

As described in the Taittiriya Upanishad, Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) state of the ‘Atman’ comes from the innermost revelation once the outer layers of 'agyan' (like layers of an onion) is removed
These layers of ‘Maya’, known as 'Kosha', are listed in order from outer-most to the inner-most:
1. Annamaya: This is the outer-most layer nourished by 'Anna' (food). Man whose consciousness is bound in this layer identifies himself with a mass of skin, flesh, fat, bones and filth. Once the Kundalini, through Yogic practices has been activated beyond the 'Manipura' chakra, can one move beyond this layer
2. Pranamaya: this sheath is nourished by 'Prana' (energy from breath). The Kundalini has to be activated beyond 'Anahata' chakra to move beyond this layer
3. Manomaya: is composed of 'Manas' (mind-matter). This layer governs one's existential ego of I and mine. Adi Shankara compares this 'I' ego to clouds and the 'Manas' to the wind. Individuality of 'I' is ushered in by the mind (like clouds brought in by winds) just as liberation comes from the clarity of mind (winds blowing away the clouds) to reveal the divine light. Vishuddha Chakra needs to be activated to go beyond the Manomaya kosha
4. Vijnanamaya: layer is governed by Vijnana (Vishesh-Gyan or Wisdom). Ajna chakra on its activation enables man to move beyond this layer
5. Anandamaya: is the ultimate state of 'Ananda' (Bliss), where one identifies himself with 'Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram'. The truth (Satya) that it is eternally (Shiva) blissful (Ananda). Once the Sahasrara chakra is activated, the embodied eternal spirit liberates itself and unites with 'Brahma', the Universal energy
According to the Vedas the wise person, being aware of the kosha, discerns the 'Self' amidst its various manifestations at various layers.

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