Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Saptarshis and the Blood-Line

The 'Saptarishi' (in Sanskrit meaning seven sages) are the ancient Rishis are patriarchs of the Vedic religion. These Rishis were recognized as the 'Manas Putra' of Brahma (Manifested from Brahma’s mediation). They are said to be 'seers' of divine law which rules all creation. They are free from worldly pleasures and the circle of life and death. The Rishis are:
1. Vashista: well renowned for his Vasishta Samhita and 'Yoga Vasishtam'. He was married to Arundathi
2. Bharadvaja: whose composed Vedic mantras were placed in Rig Veda and postulates in grammar. He was married to Susheela
3. Bhrigu: father of predictive astrology and author of Bhrigu Samhita. He was married to Khyati and has two sons Dhata and Vidhata 
4. Gautama: Composer of the Gautama Dharma Sutra and Manu Smriti. He was married to Ahalya
5. Visvamitra: Author of 'mandalas' in Rig Veda and 'Gayetri Mantra'. He was married to Sruti
6. Jamadagni: His wife Renuka had five children, the youngest of whom was Parashuram, an avatar of Lord Vishnu
7. Kasyapa: gave us the Ayurvedic Paediatics and was author of Kashyapa Samhita. He is said to have been married to 13 daughters of Prajapati. Three of them listed here are of greatest significance. His wife Aditi bore Agni (fire-God), Adityas and most importantly Vamana (Lord Vishnus's fifth Avatar). Kasyapa also married Danu, who gave birth to several Danavs. His marriage with Diti bore the Daityas Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha.

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