Sunday, April 18, 2010

On Disparity

Disparity is the mother of creation. As long as creation shall remain – disparity would as well. Macro-cosmic chaos, motion of five elements in relativity and micro-cosmic disorder are all results of this. Taking cue, we humans and our socio-economic behavior pattern is no different. Population moves away from areas of lesser resources, masses follow ideology of a stronger man, money flows towards tangible higher value commodity – the examples are countless.
Mankind has only done good by consciously and sometimes sub-consciously appreciating this chaos of inequality. Riding on the waves of change, great feats have been accomplished. Why only mankind? All forms of life have evolved into stability benefiting from disparity.
Like the pain in pleasure, death in life – disparity’s destiny is unity. I believe, from its macro to its micro cosmic scale, this chaos shall rest in peace. Disparity shall meet unity – this is but eternal truth. History stands as testimonial, that we have been harnessing our existence on this fuel of difference. Is our existentialism stopping us from accepting the truth that there shall be harmony and thus an end to all chaos? With this my question remains - whether man has injected the venom of his greed into this eternal phenomenon and disrupted disparity’s progression towards unity?

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