Friday, April 23, 2010

Yawn...z Z z

“….And on the seventh day God came to the end of all his work; and on the seventh day he took his rest from all the work which he had done". God needed it, he made us in his ‘likeness’ and so we need it. Confused? I am referring to rest. I am unclear whether God worked incessantly for six days, but I believe he did rest!
For those of my friends who are atheists, let’s look at the importance of rest and sleep from a modern scientific perspective. Sleep rejuvenates the body and sharpens cognitive functions. It stands proved, sleep debt causes mental, emotional, and physical fatigue and when prolonged heightens risks for weight gain, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases. So what’s the magic number? For a normal adult 7–8 hours of sleep at the ‘right time’ daily should do the trick.
By now you must be wondering as to why this blog? I have a few friends who did not get this information at the right time and have suffered. My mother knows it, but is too busy doing ‘more important’ things. This is why I am relentless and want this message to go out to one and all, so that they may benefit from it. After all life is not a race, let’s enjoy it as we pass along

Sunday, April 18, 2010

On Disparity

Disparity is the mother of creation. As long as creation shall remain – disparity would as well. Macro-cosmic chaos, motion of five elements in relativity and micro-cosmic disorder are all results of this. Taking cue, we humans and our socio-economic behavior pattern is no different. Population moves away from areas of lesser resources, masses follow ideology of a stronger man, money flows towards tangible higher value commodity – the examples are countless.
Mankind has only done good by consciously and sometimes sub-consciously appreciating this chaos of inequality. Riding on the waves of change, great feats have been accomplished. Why only mankind? All forms of life have evolved into stability benefiting from disparity.
Like the pain in pleasure, death in life – disparity’s destiny is unity. I believe, from its macro to its micro cosmic scale, this chaos shall rest in peace. Disparity shall meet unity – this is but eternal truth. History stands as testimonial, that we have been harnessing our existence on this fuel of difference. Is our existentialism stopping us from accepting the truth that there shall be harmony and thus an end to all chaos? With this my question remains - whether man has injected the venom of his greed into this eternal phenomenon and disrupted disparity’s progression towards unity?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

On their Weakness!

It at times pains to see how soft and weak mankind has become - soft to dilute the difference between the right and the not so virtuous. Weak that they tremble when it comes to taking a stand. I believe it this very faculty of discretion between the noble and base, that makes us humane. It is this ability to introspect that makes us superior than the other forms of life God created around. Personally, I have taken a stand and have chosen to walk with the strong.

Friday, April 16, 2010

These Days!

Last couple of months have been crazy busy for me. It has been a chapter of my life rich with experiences and challenges - meeting new people, travelling to new places, working in a new environment. Back in the comfort zone of my simple, mundane life amidst my friends, family and loved ones, I guess I had softened down a bit. Mellowed down on my ‘stay foolish - stay hungry’ perspective. But this paradigm shift in my surroundings has provided me with an opportunity to rediscover myself and gain from my experiences. I have been able to rekindle my hunger and I have been humbled into feeling foolish by the company of ‘street-smart’ people that I have to interact with daily in course of my daily life these days.
I share apartment with a go-getter colleague of mine. Of all the good things he is, his ways to attract and enamor women from different countries, across all age groups and socio-economic background simply puts me in awe. Truly some people know how to be the cynosure of attention. I wish him all the best!  
Inset pic: Abhishek by roomie