Monday, July 13, 2015

Surpanakha & The Battle of Lanka

Surpanakha (Sanskrit for sharp, long nails) was the sister of Ravana. Valmiki describes Surpanakha to be ugly, pot-bellied, cross-eyed, with brown hair and a grating voice. During a visit to the Forest of Panchavati she met exiled Ram. Smitten by his radiant looks, she proposed marriage to Ram. Ram rejected her offer as he was married to Sita. Rejected, Surpanakha then approached Lakshmana, who also rejected her he was married too. The humiliated Surpanakha attacked Sita, who was the reason behind Ram’s denial. Sita was defended by Lakshmana, who cut off Surpanakha’s nose.
Surpanakha first went to her brother Khara, who sent Rakshasa warriors to attack Ram, who were soon defeated. Surpanakha then went straight to Ravana's court and pleaded her brother to abduct and wed Sita by extolling her virtues and beauty. Ravana kidnapped Sita, thus triggering the Battle of Lanka.

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