Friday, July 24, 2015

Hindu Temple and The Golden Ratio

A Hindu temple aligned to the Vedic architecture (Brihat Samhita) has a deep yogic relation to the human body and the spiritual chakras therein. Refer the image for more
 - The feet represent the spire. 

 - The hands represent the walkway/exterior porch around the temple. 
 - The main hall represents the abdomen.
 - The entrance porch represents the heart.
 - The sanctum (garbha-griha) represents the head where the deity is consecrated

There is proportionality between the size of the deity in the sanctum and the sizes of the temple. As per the Samhita
 - The height of the temple should be double its width. 
 - The height of foundation above ground should be equal to a third of temple height. 
 - The sanctum should be half the width of the temple 
These guidelines translate into various interpretations of the Golden Ratio of 1.618 (Refer diagram, point C divides the line in such a way that the ratio of AC to CB is equal to the ratio of AB to AC)

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