Monday, August 13, 2007

Indian Independence - an opportunity misused!

We have been celebrating 15th August as our independence day each year, for the last six decades. But do we really respect our hard earned independence? Are we really independent from the clutches of poverty, illiteracy, female infanticide and corruption? When I watch movie like Range De Basanti, Bhagat Singh, Forgotten hero – Subhash Bose, this question haunts me all the more. Valuable lives have been sacrificed on the altar of freedom struggle, with a dream of gifting the generations to come, with independence of thought, words and action.
During ‘British-Raj’, foundation to the construction of roads and railways were laid. Infrastructure, electricity, post and telegraph networks were established. Food, basic education and medical facilities were available to all. No doubt there was colour discrimination, yet there was law and order in the country. Corruption was not as wide-spread and malignant as it is today.
Post independence great leaders framed the constitution, country was witness to the green and white revolution. Exponential development happened in the fields of science and technology, universities were started. But this growth was short-lived, soon the people of free India, took the things for granted, got back to their basic lazy nature and in turn did perennial damage to own country and children.
Japan was torn apart by the twin nuclear blasts only two years before India’s independence. It had to cope with the nightmare and start their efforts afresh. Both Japanese cities were rebuilt soon after the war and today have become important industrial centers; Japan has gone a long way ahead of India in every aspect. Do we have an answer to why India could not achieve what Japan could? The differentiating factor I believe is, Japanese love their country, they respect their flag, stand united for the glory of their motherland, hard-working people with dignity of labour and honesty of purpose are in majority, qualities we Indians unfortunately lack.
India in the golden ages was rich not only in precious stones and gold but also with fertile river-riddled agrarian abundance. The land was culturally and intellectually blessed - Buddha, Ashoka, Aryabhatta, Chanakya, Tulsidas, exponents to have made history. But toady developed country look down at us with pity, tag us as a ‘developing third-world, poor country’. It is time we Indians awoke to the clarion call, stood united and pledged on the eve of our Independence day – that India would reclaim its rightful place among the best and lead other nations towards a safer, brighter and glorious tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Well said that India need to wake up and stand untited for a safer and glorious tomorrow. But, all the fact that Developed countries look at us as poor third world country is not true any more. With a tag of becoming a nuclear country, Best in IT market, aquisiton of companies at a global front, Number of Indian companies in Fortune 500, steady growth at a rate of 8.5% shows that we are growing.
