Friday, February 6, 2015

Then and Now

I recently happened to stumble upon a You-tube video: This brought me face to face with a theory i had been toying around for a long time now in my mind. I have read the 'Bhagavat Geeta' and seen all the mega-soaps like 'Ramayana' and 'Mahabharat' on TV growing up. I used to find the war very interesting, with great warriors shooting arrows at their enemies. These arrows had amazing fire-power ahead of their times. Lets step back and look at the time lines. These Hindu texts were written Centuries before the modern industrial revolution. Then how is it possible that the warriors commanded such fire-power? 

I have an answer, i am sure civilization/man-kind had reached a higher state of scientific advancement at the time. For some reasons, due to socio-environmental shift this advanced knowledge of science was lost and mankind had to begin its quest afresh!Lets look at some examples. The ruins at Mohenjodaro-Harappa, the sunk city of Dwarka, the 'Ram-Setu' joining modern India and Sri-Lanka. These are a few examples of the architectural advancements man had made centuries ago! Lets look at Yoga, a science to train the body and mind and tune it for 'higher' tasks. Lets look at the mummies for example ( Mummies are proof of human advanced knowledge of human anatomy. Lets look at the scriptures which talk about ancient sages, learned beings, who could time-travel and look into the future, another kind who could meditate upon the stars in the Galaxy and long before the Hubble or super telescopes of modern times, these sages meditating upon the night sky, concluded that not only were there other galaxies in the sky but also some of them had twin starts in their solar system.

I truly find this extremely intriguing and wonder if the advancement in science and technology of our modern times would be lost in the cycles of time!